The Food Rating App
What is your opinion of the food and beverage products that you consume?
What is the rating of the other users?
Rate and see other reviews in the RateMate app.

WHY RateMate?
Because your opinion matters!
Join the free, unified platform where you can share opinions, leave reviews, rate the quality & price of food & beverage products. It’s free and it’s made specially for YOU.
With RateMate you can also:
- Explore the Product Descriptions and Nutrition data that will help you choose the best product, find allergens or other ingredients that you are intolerant to or that you simply wish to avoid.
- Make easily and quickly Shopping lists that will help you be more organized in your grocery shopping, keep track of what you have bought and what you run out of. You can name your lists and organize them in topics or categories.

At the supermarket Lisa is wondering what new to try.
She recalled that nice-looking pizza ad. Back at home Lisa baked the pizza and sat on the nicely prepared table.
Ughhhh, disgusting. Again, she felt misguided.
Scrolling on Facebook she found Rate Mate and installed it.
The next day Lisa was in the same situation. She recalled Rate Mate. The pizza from yesterday had a crappy rating. The one on top she didn’t remember seeing an add. She gave it a try.
Back at home, again nicely set table, pizza out of the oven. First bite and BOOOOOOM, this is it!
She gave a BIG thump up the GOOD pizza and a BIG thumb down the BAD one. She helped many others, the same way they helped her already.
- Stefan Malinowski
Stefan is the business guy. His passion is technologies and turning them truly meaningful in everyday life.
- Krasimir Baylov
Krasi is the tech guru. His magical skill is converting ideas into code that makes the difference.
- Vesela Malinowska
Vesela is the marketing lady. She loves creating and spreading innovation throughout the community.
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